Octa's transportation blog

State Triennial Performance Audit Reviewed OCTA’s Activities and Finances

On May 24, the OCTA Board of Directors received the updated results of the State Triennial Performance Audit for fiscal years 2010 through 2012. The audit, conducted by independent consultants, CH2M Hill, is required by the California Public Utilities Code (PUC).

The audit reviewed OCTA’s activities as a regional transportation planning entity, and the Orange County Transit District (OCTD) as a transit operator. It included a review of OCTA’s administration and management, claimant relationships, planning and regional coordination activities, marketing and transportation alternatives, and grant application and management.

OCTA and OCTD were found to be in compliance with all applicable PUC requirements. In addition, the audit concluded that OCTA has effectively accomplished its Transportation Development Act responsibilities, and recognized OCTA’s effective management of finances during the period of economic recession, including its efforts to control operating costs, and to develop and implement a Strategic Plan, the M2 Early Action Plan, and the M2020 plan.

The performance audit was a systematic process of evaluating the organization’s effectiveness, efficiency, and economy of operation under management control. The objectives of the audit were to provide a means for evaluating an organization’s performance and to enhance performance by making recommendations for improvement. The audit measured performance against acceptable criteria and focused on management’s planning and control system. In addition, the audit evaluated the adequacy of the organization’s systems and the degree of compliance with established policies and procedures.