Octa's transportation blog

Outreach Team Shares Transit Information with Seniors

OCTA’s marketing outreach team provided two workshops for seniors last week.  The workshops included presentations about OCTA’s transportation options and provided information for groups interested in using the bus for fieldtrips.

Eight residents from Heritage Park Senior Apartments in Anaheim took advantage of personalized trip planning provided by OCTA by taking the bus to the historic section of the City of Orange where they enjoyed a day of antique shopping.

“This is a great experience for our residents and it allows them to get out and enjoy Orange County,” said Jasmine Sanchez, the assistant manager of the Heritage Park apartment complex.

OCTA’s marketing outreach team also made multilingual presentations to more than 25 residents at the Mariposa Village Apartment Homes in Irvine and Our Lady Guadalupe Manor Senior Apartments in Fountain Valley.  Participants received information and assistance regarding planning trips using the fixed route bus, reading the bus schedule, riding Metrolink, and applying for ACCESS service, as well as about current programs such as the popular Angels Express train and Metrolink Weekends.  Participants were each given a complimentary OCTA trial bus pass to encourage them to try taking the bus. 

To schedule a transit presentation or for information on OCTA’s personalized field trip planning for seniors, please contact OCTA staff at seniors@octa.net or 714-560-5310.