Octa's transportation blog

OCTA Updates Stakeholders On Progress of I-405 Improvement Project

OCTA project representatives joined approximately 30 community and civic leaders, business representatives, public agency representatives and other leaders for a briefing on the status and next steps for the San Diego Freeway (I-405) improvement project.

These stakeholders met Wednesday, June 12 to take a look at the progress of the major improvement project that will help increase traffic flow between Euclid Street and the San Gabriel River Freeway (I-605) along one of the most congested freeways in Orange County.

Since 2003, OCTA has been working with project stakeholders and local policy-makers to identify potential solutions to increase freeway capacity, improve traffic and interchange operations, and enhance road safety, OCTA Project Manager Niall Barrett said.

Barrett joined Director of Highway Programs Rose Casey and Community Relations Officer Christina Byrne in providing an overview of the project history, scope and widening options.

Before opening the floor to comments, Byrne also highlighted the upcoming opportunity in the summer for the public to review the recirculation of the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report / Environmental Impact Statement.

This document includes information and analysis updated since the Draft EIR / EIS was circulated and focuses on new traffic information in the Long Beach area.

The recirculation provides members of the public, stakeholders and policy groups an opportunity to review and comment on the new project information before the final selection of the widening option for the I-405 project. Stakeholders and community members will also have an opportunity to comment at a public hearing in July. OCTA also will host a policy working group meeting June 26 with elected officials along the freeway’s corridor.

Both the stakeholder working group and the policy working group will meet twice before OCTA presents project details to its board of directors in September, Byrne said.