Octa's transportation blog

OCTA's 'First and Last Mile' Study Draft Report is Now Available

OCTA is developing the Metrolink Station Nonmotorized Accessibility Strategy to identify needs and opportunities for improvements that enhance pedestrian and bicyclist access to and from Orange County's Metrolink stations.

The project objectives are to:

  • Evaluate current non-motorized accessibility at the Metrolink stations using a set of defined metrics and identify areas for improvement.
  • Recommend improvements to facilitate, support and enhance pedestrian and bicyclist access to the Metrolink stations.
  • Provide local agencies with guidance on implementing the recommendations and identify potential funding opportunities.

Based on technical analysis and public input, a draft document has been created and is now available for review at www.octa.net/nonmotorized. The public may submit comments online regarding the draft document until June 12, 2013.