Octa's transportation blog

OCTA Outreach Team Informs Residents About Upcoming Riverside Freeway Work

The weekend of June 8, the OCTA’s public outreach team hosted two neighborhood information meetings to update residents on the Riverside Freeway (SR-91) Westbound Lane Widening Project.

Held on Burton Street in Anaheim and Houston Avenue in Fullerton, the neighborhood meetings were an opportunity for area residents to get the latest information on the overall freeway improvement project as well as to learn about anticipated construction activities in their areas.  

In addition to receiving an overview of the project, participants learned about the project’s anticipated schedule as well as road, bridge and wall work.

The outreach team also provided residents with updates on the project’s transportation management plan, including details on detours and potential off-peak and/or overnight lane and ramp closures.

Since December 2010, OCTA and Caltrans have worked together to add 18 lane miles to SR-91 in Orange County. The 91 Westbound Lane Widening Project is the third in a series of freeway improvement projects intended to increase capacity, improve operations and enhance safety along this critical west-east commuter and commercial corridor.

Funded by Orange County’s Measure M half-cent sales tax and State Proposition 1B, the project will add a fourth general purpose lane to westbound 91 from the Orange Freeway (SR-57) to the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5).

When completed, the project will boost the number of lane miles on SR-91 in Orange County to 22.

If you’d like a presentation on the project, please contact Fernando Chavarria by email at fchavarria@octa.net or by phone at (714) 560-5306.