Octa's transportation blog

Metrolink Debuts a TAP-Compatible Ticket

All Metrolink tickets with Los Angeles County destinations are now compatible with the Metro TAP system.

The TAP system allows passengers to pay their Metro bus or Metro rail fare using plastic, reloadable fare cards. Customers purchase TAP cards through the program, pre-load them with a specific transit pass or dollar value, and then tap them on fare boxes and validator machines instead of purchasing a ticket or paying with cash.

Metrolink has transitioned to TAP-compatible tickets for Los Angeles destinations. These paper tickets have a built-in “smart chip” and antenna, and are identifiable by their unique design and the “TAP” logo. TAP tickets are available for purchase at designated vending machines at each station.

Turnstiles have been placed at each of the subway and light rail entrances in Los Angeles County as part of the TAP system. Metrolink riders are required to physically tap their tickets at turnstiles and validators when transferring to a Metro Rail line. A TAP-compatible ticket or TAP Card is required to pass through the turnstile.

For more information, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit http://www.metrolinktrains.com/howtoride/page/title/tap. More information about Metro TAP cards is available here.