Octa's transportation blog

Help Plan South Orange County’s Transportation Future

OCTA is studying mobility strategies that will help identify future improvements to local

streets, transit, freeways and bikeways for South Orange County and would like your feedback.

There are several ways to participate in the South Orange County Multimodal Transportation Study (SOCMTS). Information will be provided in English and Spanish.

Telephone Townhall

On Thursday, June 17, 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., join OCTA for a Telephone Townhall to learn about study findings, provide input and ask questions. The Townhall with be simulcast in Spanish. Please register here. A recording of the presentation will be available on the project website following the meeting.

Virtual Meeting Room

A Virtual Meeting Room will be open from Monday, June 7 to Monday, July 12, 2021 to help people learn more about the study, make comments and ask questions. Please visit here to access the Virtual Meeting Room.


Please take a short survey online or by phone (833-711-8070) to share your feedback on mobility strategies that will help improve transportation in south Orange County in the future.