Octa's transportation blog

‘Dump the Pump’ Week Encourages Commuters to Find New Travel Options

testingOCTA is encouraging people to “dump the pump” this week by trying other travel options instead of driving by themselves. 

Rather than paying for high gas prices, enduring traffic congestion and stressing about driving alone, Orange County joins hundreds of other cities and regions throughout North America to highlight the advantages of taking buses and trains, joining carpools and vanpools as well as biking and walking. Dump the Pump week runs from June 17 to June 21.

“Dump the Pump is a great way to show commuters how inexpensive and efficient taking public transportation can be,” said OCTA Chairman Greg Winterbottom. “Riding public transportation is the quickest way to beat high gas prices and OCTA hopes commuters will leave their cars at home and make a difference to reduce their carbon footprint.”

The American Public Transportation Association has been sponsoring this national campaign since June 2006, when it launched the program to promote other travel options than driving alone to help ensure a cleaner environment for future generations.

In addition to saving money at the pump, people who pledge during the week also will have the opportunity to win prizes, including a $500 gift card by entering a photo contest. OCTA also will feature the winning photos on its website and social media sites.

Participants who specifically pledge to ride the bus or Metrolink also will receive a one-day pass or trip ticket for their ride.

To sign the pledge or enter the photo contest, please visit octa.net/dumpthepump.