Octa's transportation blog

Diversity Community Leaders Kick-Off Meeting To Engage With OCTA

A roundtable meeting last Tuesday at OCTA marked the beginning of the Diverse Communities Outreach Program for Capital Projects.

The goal of the outreach effort is to engage with Orange County’s many diverse populations.

Through presentations, community meetings and outreach events, OCTA staff hopes to build relationships with numerous civic, social and business communities to solicit valuable feedback during the planning and construction phases of capital infrastructure projects.

Rose Casey, OCTA director of highways, provided an update on the capital projects and answered questions about major milestones and how the agency is helping minimize the impact of construction.  

OCTA staff members Ted Nguyen and Bekele Demissie listened to comments and suggestions from community and business leaders on how to enhance outreach and communication efforts with key stakeholders throughout Orange County.

The meeting helped identify the challenges, obstacles, resources and opportunities for achieving meaningful outreach objectives. “Participation from Orange County’s community leaders will help OCTA better foster a deeper and long-term relationship with diverse communities,” Demissie said.  

“Involving the community and small businesses in the decision-making process long before the impacts of construction is necessary in the implementation of capital projects,” Inland Empire-Orange County Asian Business Director Kerry Osaki said. “It will increase the community’s participation and enhance awareness of OCTA’s efforts in improving transportation.”

To continue engaging with the diverse communities, OCTA staff will attend the second meeting in June 2013 that will be hosted by one of the program’s community leaders.