Octa's transportation blog

Cities Receive West County Connectors Project Updates and Upcoming Closure Information

The West County Connectors outreach team is making its rounds to local cities along the project’s corridor to update the community on the progress of construction and notify stakeholders of upcoming summertime closures.

In the last two weeks, the outreach team shared information with nearly 200 residents at the city of Costa Mesa, city of Westminster, Long Beach Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske’s neighborhood meeting and Long Beach Councilman Pat O’Donnell’s “Chat with Pat” meeting.

Summertime closures, as part of the $277-million West County Connectors project, include a 20-hour closure of the southbound San Diego Freeway (I-405) between the San Gabriel River Freeway (I-605) near Rossmoor and the Valley View Street exit near Westminster and Garden Grove.

The southbound I-405 connector to the eastbound SR-22 freeway is being reconstructed in order to make room for the new SR-22 / I-405 carpool connector.

Once construction on the new connector is complete, the old connector will be demolished over a weekend in mid- to late-summer 2013.

The WCC project, which is schedule to be complete in early 2015, will link carpool lanes on the I-405 with those on the SR-22 and I-605 freeways to create a seamless carpool connection amongst the three freeways.

Nightly closure information and project information can be found at www.octa.net/WCCdetourmap.

The I-405 Improvement Study team also joined the West County Connectors outreach team to provide an update to Long Beach residents regarding the upcoming public re-circulation of a supplemental draft environmental document.

The public will be provided a 45-day review period of the supplemental draft document and an open house will be held sometime in July 2013.

More information regarding the I-405 study may be found at www.octa.net/405improvement.